Reub will return with his second single with Guesswhat!? ' Frontlines ' on January 11th 2024 in all music streaming. However, for the music video will be releasing soon.
This single was produced by Tanon Sanglek from KIKI and co-produced by Paramee Bamroongtanasurp from MAKER.
In a brief, the Singaporean singer and songwriter describes the song as being about " a fellow and beloved human being. This person understands and reveals our worth, and draws out our capabilities, not just fighting for us, but fighting beside us. "
For the upcoming release, the music video was co-directed with TELELLAMA band mates, Wannaphon Pratipanwat and Yodboon Chareonsak. A coming of age film depicting the life stages of a person, connected to the meaning of the song, ' Frontlines '

Listen more song of Reub : Here!!
Reub upcoming live
09 Febuary 2024 : LIDO LIVEHOUSE @ LIDO CONNECT, Bangkok